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Sports Therapy is an aspect of healthcare that concentrates on the prevention of injury and the rehabilitation of an athlete/patient. In other words, we look at prevention rather than cure. Being proactive with our own health is becoming much more important in the modern age of sedentary lifestyle.
Posture and lack of movement is now becoming the main cause of chronic pain. Sports Therapists can hold the key, whether that is back to optimal levels of functional, occupational or sports specific fitness, it can be done regardless of age and ability. Sports Therapists use a variety of treatment modalities including; electrotherapy, joint and soft tissue mobilisations, exercise rehabilitation and sports massage during the rehabilitation process, and on into a management plan to keep everything working well.
What is a Sports Therapist?
A Sports Therapist is a practitioner who has the knowledge to apply and implement appropriate rehabilitation programmes, utilising sports and exercise science principles to optimise injury prevention and management. They have the knowledge and ability to provide sports massage during injury rehabilitation and pre/post activity. They have the knowledge and ability to provide emergency first aid during recreational and competitive environments, and they have the access to medical professionals to refer on for specialist advice and intervention where appropriate.
A Sports Therapist is an integral part of a multi-disciplinary team necessary to provide the best care, management and rehabilitation for any patient or athlete, regardless of age and ability. Working alongside the consultants and musculoskeletal specialists, Sports `therapists can tailor and deliver rehabilitation programmes post surgery or injury.
What Can a Sports Therapist do for You?
Sports Therapists are highly skilled individuals and can offer a variety of different services to help you become more proactive in your management of aches and pains, rehabilitate and provide solutions to restore you back to an optimal level of function and performance.
If you think that you would like to speak to one of our Sports Therapists with a view to starting a treatment plan, please contact the clinic at your convenience.
Knott Kinetics Ltd
49 Stoke Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 1LS, United Kingdom