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Back and neck pain is experienced by many of us during our lifetime. It can become debilitating stopping you doing the things you enjoy. We work with our clients using a combination of hands on physical therapy and prescribed exercise so you can get your life back on track.
Shoulder, knee, hip and ankle pain are all conditions our therapists are very successful in treating. With a range of treatment options available, we treat patients with osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel, and carry out prehabilitation and rehabilitation for joint replacements. Call us now if you would like to discuss with us how we can help you.
Neuropathic pain or nerve pain can occur as a result of injury/trauma, illness/ condition or as a result of some types of treatment. We can help with the management of nerve pain through physical therapy and a bespoke exercise programme.
Exercising is key in the management of nerve pain, strengthening the muscles, building endurance, increasing stability and flexibility in the joints. Our experts will work with you developing a bespoke plan for you to help you manage your pain.
Podiatry specialises in the foot, ankle and leg with the aim of improving mobility, independence and the quality of life of clients. Working with people of all ages podiatry treats all types of common foot conditions but also can help in the prevention of injury and chronic conditions. Service provided include, diabetic foot assessments, nail cutting, thickened/ ingrowing nails, fungal skin and nail infections, corns, callus, verrucae, wound care biomechanical assessment, orthotic provision, footwear assessment.
For clients with foot pain or lower leg pain a biomechanical assessment maybe needed to look at the way the bones, muscles and joints of your feet and lower limbs move in order to advise on the best way to correct any problems which are causing you pain.
'Major surgery is like running a marathon - both require training.' We offer clients individualised prehabilitation and rehabilitation plans to help ensure a quicker recovery from surgery with less complications. With our allied health professionals, we take a holistic approach to wellness and can also help you with your nutrition and mental health needs so you are the best you can be before surgery, enabling a faster and better recovery. Our talented team will continue to work with you post-op creating a bespoke and individualised recovery plan.
Posture and lack of movement is now becoming the main cause of chronic pain. With an increasingly sedentary lifestyle being proactive with our own health is much more important. We will not only treat your injury but will work with you to help prevent further injury going forward, using clinical treatments and prescription exercise.
We run very small Clinical Pilates classes to help improve your range of motion and to strengthen your body. Run by our therapists who know you, these classes are individualised to your needs aiding your recovery from injury and managing pain.
'If exercise was a pill it would be one of the most cost-effective drugs ever invented.' Never has it been so important to keep fit and well. Exercise performed correctly will treat and help prevent injury. As part of your recovery plan we will often work with you in our state of the art gym and will give you personalised exercises to complete at home.
Rehabilitation and strength training has a very important role to play in preventing re-injury. We have dedicated upper and lower limb rehabilitation classes as well as one to one rehabilitation sessions in our clinic. You will be given bespoke exercise plans to complete at home to further hasten and consolidate your recovery and future progress.
Our specialists are able to call on their wealth of clinical experience to provide you with an elite hands on service. With this, coupled with your commitment to follow our online home exercise programmes, we hope to have a positive impact on your pain. Linking in with other modalities, such as clinical Pilates and strength building opportunities, our therapists will 'project manage' your journey back to wellness.
Strength training decreases your risk of injury and general aches and pains. Here at Knott Kinetics, our therapists will have regular meetings to ensure that your journey back to wellness is as robust and thorough as you want it to be. Our team will work closely with you through every step, building towards a better future for you, proactive and in tune with your needs.
Knott Kinetics Ltd
49 Stoke Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 1LS, United Kingdom